Meat and cheese lasagna

Meat and cheese lasagna
Lasagna is a very well-known recipe worldwide; This type of recipe is basic and simple as well as being very delicious, most people know how to prepare meat and cheese lasagna, but in case you don’t know, a way to make this recipe will be shown below.
The ingredients for this recipe can be easily found in your kitchen. Since this dish is very simple to make when preparing, you will only need the following.
• 1/2 of bechamel.
• A container for lasagna.
• 350 grams of ground meat.
• 2 large tomatoes or three small tomatoes cut into pieces.
• 1 onion, it can be medium cut into pieces.
• 2 cloves of garlic, which can be finely chopped.
• 4 tablespoons of oil, it must be olive oil.
• 1 bay leaf.
• 100 grams of cheese.
• Salt, sugar and pepper, the amount you prefer.
To have a juicy and delicious lasagna, in addition to having all the ingredients mentioned above, you must follow the steps that will be clarified below.

Step 1
You must add the garlic to a frying pan along with olive oil, as well as the onion chopped into pieces until they turn golden, then add the ground meat to cook until golden.
Step 2
Add the previously chopped tomato, also add a tablespoon of sugar to correct the acidity, and salt and pepper to taste, over low heat, let it reduce a little, for about 30 minutes, or until the tomato water is completely consumed. .
Step 3
After the tomato is almost ready, cook the pasta sheets as indicated in the instructions. Once they are ready, place them on a kitchen towel. They should be stretched out and not touching each other.
Step 4
Start assembling the lasagna in the container in which it is going to be baked, place a layer of bechamel sauce, then a layer of pasta and sauce with the meat on it, and then cheese and you must repeat the process so that you obtain several layers. .
Step 5
Finally, cover the lasagna with the bechamel sauce and proceed to bake it for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. Finally, add a layer of cheese so that it can melt.
Once it comes out of the oven, just let it cool for a few minutes and you can enjoy this delicious meat lasagna with cheese, and then you can prepare this recipe whenever you want.