Homemade hamburger

How to make homemade hamburger bun: easy and delicious recipe
If you like homemade hamburger bread that is spongy and tender, you will surely be happy to know that here we will teach you how to prepare exquisite breads in a very simple way, regardless of whether you do not have baking experience.
Next, we will leave a list with the ingredients and the exact quantities that you will need to be able to make the hamburger buns.
• 500 g of wheat flour.
• 2 g of salt.
• 200 ml of warm milk.
• 50 g of butter.
• Sesame seeds.
• 2 eggs.
• 10 g of sugar.
• 12 g of yeast.
Preparation of hamburger bun
Making hamburger bread is quite simple, however, we recommend following to the letter all the instructions that we will leave below in order to obtain rich, spongy and tender bread.
• Mix the yeast in warm milk until it has completely dissolved.
• In a bowl, add the wheat flour and make a small well in the center. In this, pour the milk with the yeast, sugar, an egg, butter and salt. Mix.
• When you see that it is taking shape, you can transfer the dough to your kitchen counter and start kneading for at least 10 minutes. Although at first it may be unwieldy, as it is kneaded it becomes more compact and easier to knead.
• Once you have kneaded very well, grease a bowl with a little oil and let it rest in it until it doubles in size. The estimated time is 2 hours to 2 and a half hours.
• Once the recommended time has passed, divide the dough into 8 portions and put them on a tray.
• Cover them for at least an hour.
• Preheat the oven to 200°.
• Brush the bread with beaten egg and add a few sesame seeds on top.
• Let them bake for approximately 15 minutes.
• Once ready, place them on a rack and wait for them to cool before consumption.