Swiss roll with chocolate

Swiss roll with chocolate
Homemade Swiss rolls with chocolate filling can be made with this recipe just like from a confectioner. You only need 2 ingredients for the chocolate cream.
80 g wheat flour (Type 405)
30 g cocoa
1 teaspoon Baking powder
120g sugar
5 eggs (size M)
2 tbsp hot water
1 pack vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
100 g dark chocolate
300 g whipped cream
1 tbsp cocoa for dusting
If desired, add 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate shavings for sprinkling
1st step
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees top/bottom heat (fan oven: 160 degrees). Line a baking tray with baking paper.
For the dough, weigh out the flour and sift in the cocoa. Add baking powder, mix everything together and set aside.
2nd step
Place sugar, eggs, hot water, vanilla sugar and salt in a mixing bowl. Beat with the whisk of a hand mixer at the highest level until foamy for about 4 minutes. Quickly fold in the flour-cocoa mixture.
3rd step
Pour the cocoa sponge cake onto the tray and smooth it out using a cake server or a palette. Bake in the preheated oven for about 14 minutes.
Remove the sponge cake plate directly from the hot baking tray and turn it over onto a piece of baking paper. Allow the baking paper that was baked to stick to the dough until the chocolate cream is made.
4th step
For the filling, chop the chocolate into coarse pieces. Bring 100 g of the cream to the boil in a small saucepan. Remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate and dissolve it, stirring occasionally.
Beat the remaining 200 g of cream until slightly stiff. Quickly stir the still lukewarm chocolate and cream mixture into the cream.
5th step
Remove the baking paper from the sponge cake plate. Pour the chocolate filling onto the dough and spread it out. Leave approx. 3 cm free at the top edge. Roll up carefully from the long side. Refrigerate the Swiss roll with the lid facing down for about 60 minutes.