
Pastry Cookies with Marmalade Filling

Pastry Cookies with Marmalade Filling

This jelly-filled cookie recipe has been in my mother’s family for more years than I’ve been alive! It’s my favorite cookie; my comfort food.


250 grams of butter at room temperature
2 egg yolks
1.5 cups of powdered sugar
2 tablespoons of starch
1 packet of vanilla
3 cups of flour (add in moderation)

For the inner filling;

1 type of marmalade of your choice
I used 1 pack of forest fruit ready sauce.
The amount of water will be used in half the amount.

For the above;

100 grams of milk chocolate

Preparation of

For the dough;  All ingredients except flour are put into the kneading bowl, mixed and kneaded by adding controlled flour.

Cut walnut-sized pieces, shape them into round shapes, place them on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, and make a depression in the middle by pressing with the tip of a rolling pin.
It is cooked in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

Put marmalade or a ready-made sauce like mine in the middle of the baked cookies, use half the amount of water given, bake it, warm it, put it in a squeeze bag and fill the cavities of all the cookies.
Cover the marmalades with melted chocolate in a double boiler.

Decorate your cookies as you wish with melted dark chocolate and peanuts in a double boiler.

The cookies cooled in the fridge are ready to serve.  Bon appetit to those who will try it.


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