Strawberry ice cream

Strawberry ice cream
Who doesn’t like ice cream? No matter what time it is, ice cream will always go down very well. However, there are days when we don’t want to leave the house, but rather we look for a dessert that we can make at home, and strawberry ice cream is ideal.
For that reason, we have decided to share with you the recipe for a delicious strawberry ice cream. This way you won’t have to go to the ice cream parlor to enjoy it. You can accompany this recipe with whatever you want, from strawberry syrup to cookies.
Strawberry ice cream is very easy to prepare. Even so, to make it creamy and have an irresistible strawberry flavor, there are four essential ingredients that you cannot leave aside. These are:
• 500 g of strawberries.
• 250 ml whipping cream (also known as whipping cream).
• 1 spoon of sugar.
• 180 ml of condensed milk.

Preparation of strawberry ice cream
In addition to the extremely important role that the ingredients play, the way we prepare it also plays a crucial role. Therefore, you must follow the following steps to the letter that will allow you to give the appropriate texture to this tasty ice cream.
• The first thing you should make is a jam, and to do this you will have to cut the strawberries into small pieces. Then you will add them to a pan, along with the sugar and let it cook for 15 minutes over low heat, until it takes on the texture of jam.
• Once you remove the jam, you are going to crush the pieces and let it cool.
• When the jam is at room temperature, the next thing you should do is take it to a bowl, in which you will also add the condensed milk, and beat until the ingredients are well integrated.
• In another bowl you are going to add the whipping cream and with the help of the mixer you are going to whip it. You must take into account that for the cream to reach the correct point you have to beat for several minutes and the cream must be cold, this will allow it to whip faster. Therefore, be patient during this process. Put the cream in the refrigerator before using it and a few minutes before whipping you can also place the whisks in the freezer, this will help the cream reach its point more easily.
• When the cream is ready and solid, add the other mixture and integrate little by little, in an enveloping manner. Be careful when integrating, because the cream can lose its texture quickly.
• Then pour the mixture into a container and flatten it on top with the help of a spatula, so that it is uniform and place it in the freezer for 12 hours.
• Once the time has passed, you can remove it from the freezer and prepare the portions you want, with your favorite toppings.