Invoices with custard

Invoices with custard
Today we are going to share with you the recipe for invoices with pastry cream, so that you can try this preparation and delight not only your palate, but also that of your family and friends. Here you have the ingredients and the step by step to make this delicious dish.
• 350 grams of four-zero flour (for 18 units)
• 70 grams of sugar.
• 160 ml of milk.
• 1 egg.
• 5 grams of dry yeast.
• 1 tbsp. Vanilla essence.
• 1 pinch of salt
• 2 tablespoons of oil.
Before preparing this recipe, it is important that you have all the ingredients and measurements correctly. Follow this recipe to the letter and we guarantee you’ll end up with incredibly delicious bills.
1. In a container, mix the egg, sugar, oil, vanilla essence and warm milk.
2. Add the dry yeast, stir a little and add the flour.
3. Integrate with a spatula, there should be no lumps.
4. We have to create a well integrated and smooth bun.
5. Let it rest until it doubles in volume.
6. We stretch it by sprinkling flour on the table, giving the dough a rectangular shape.
7. Cut into strips and join them in pairs and form braids.
8. Join the ends forming a number eight.
9. Place on a previously oiled plate, let rest until they double in size.
10. When they double in size, fill with pastry cream and paint with egg.
11. Place in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
12. Cut in half and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
In short, invoices are a simple and economical dessert to prepare. In addition, it is a delicacy that will delight your palate and all members of your family will enjoy. Don’t forget to leave us your comments and opinions.