
Blackberry cake with quark

Blackberry cake with quark

Blackberry cake with quark is fruity and so creamy.  The cream is refined with lemon and the dough is used for the shortcrust pastry and the crumble. So practical!

INGREDIENTS (For a 26 cm springform pan)


220 g butter
400 g wheat flour (type 405)
130 g sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg (size M)


300 g fresh blackberries
750 g low-fat quark
300 g cream cheese
1 organic lemon
100 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
2 eggs (size M)
50 ml milk
1 tbsp cornstarch


Some fat for the pan


Step 1
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees top/bottom heat (fan oven: 160 degrees) and grease the bottom of a springform pan (Ø 26 cm). For the dough, cut the butter into pieces.  Put the flour, sugar, salt, pieces of butter and egg in a mixing bowl and quickly knead with your hands to form coarse crumbles.

Step 2
Remove a third of the crumbles and refrigerate. Put the remaining crumbles in the prepared tin and press them into a base and a rim about 4 cm high. Refrigerate the tin if possible.

Step 3
For the filling, wash the blackberries, pat them dry and set aside. Mix the quark and cream cheese in a bowl until smooth. Wash the lemon with hot water, pat it dry and finely grate the peel, then squeeze it. Add the lemon juice and zest, sugar, vanilla sugar, eggs, milk and starch to the quark mixture and mix.

Step 4
Pour the mixture into the tin on the base, smooth it out and spread the blackberries on top. Cover the cake with blackberries and quark with the crumbles that you set aside and bake in the lower third of the preheated oven for about 55-60 minutes.  Allow the quark and blackberry cake to cool completely in the tin. The blackberry cake with quark and cream cheese makes about 12 pieces and will keep for at least 3 days if refrigerated.


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